Introduction to Meta Healing:

Meta Healing is an integrative approach designed to eliminate all obstacles hindering self-awareness and identification with the self. This process not only promotes an understanding of the emptiness of the mind and the benefits of mental silence but also significantly enhances an individual’s relationship with the Divine, as well as the relationship between the SELF and the SOUL.

Fundamental Principles of Meta Healing:

The essence of Meta Healing lies in its ability to remove the various masks and identities that individuals adopt, thus facilitating a reconnection to their deep essence. Deeply understanding the meaning of “Know yourself, you will know the world,” as Pythagoras said. This unveiling process can initially induce feelings of vulnerability, including emotions such as pain, sadness, and loss, as well as unusual side effects due to the detachment from these adopted roles.

Attachment and Detachment:

Meta Healing focuses on how to overcome three areas of attachment that hinder spiritual and personal growth, as well as the evolution of the relationship between the Self and the Soul:

  • Attachment to the constructed identity
  • Attachment to the physical body
  • Attachment to any connection with the outside world

By transcending these attachments and following the path (Al Sirat Al Mustakim), individuals can cultivate a devotion free from binding ties, thus guiding them towards a deeper connection with the Divine.

The Healing Journey:

The journey of Meta Healing involves nurturing four essential centers within the human body: the instinctive, the emotional, the mental, and the superconscious. It begins with the instinctive center at the pelvis, moves to the emotional center located in the heart, then to the mental center in the pineal gland. The peak is the elevation to the superconscious, allowing individuals to connect with the divine beyond physical existence. This path fosters deep connections, inner cleansing, and significant personal transformation.

In this healing quest, mental silence is essential to achieve the total emptiness of the mind. It is in embracing this silence that we truly discover ourselves, and through this discovery, we draw closer to the knowledge of the divine. Thus, we increasingly identify with the Self.

Objectives of Meta Healing:

The ultimate goal of Meta Healing is to guide each individual towards Self-realization, facilitating significant quantum leaps. This journey of discovery and identification with the Self is continuous, with each session opening a vortex to new levels of consciousness and deep understanding.

“No healer directly heals another person. Instead, a healer embodies a particular mindset, creating a vibration that symbolizes a healing state. When the individual needing healing chooses to align themselves with this frequency, they truly heal themselves. Essentially, the healer offers the necessary vibration, frequency, and information, leaving it up to the individual to synchronize with this healing frequency or not.”

– Nada Rachid

Important Notice:

Meta Healing is a powerful practice, and Nada is seriously committed to its application. To be eligible to participate, it is necessary to have completed at least one minimum course. Therefore, Nada does not accept any participant without having completed the course titled “Forbidden Knowledge” in the academy.